2019 – TDP – Irap Sechzig – RoboCupRescue – Robot

In this paper, we would like to describe the improved construction and operation of our robot (iRAP SECHZIG), which has a long history in the first place awards of World RoboCup Rescue Robot competitions, such as iRAP PRO, iRAP JUDY, iRAP FURIOUS, iRAP JUNIOR, and iRAP ROBOT teams. Also, in the World RoboCup Rescue Robot 2018 (Montreal, Canada), we had participated in the competition again. Through the story, the robot was severely damaged by heavy workload exceeding specified limits in the final round in the World RoboCup Rescue Robot 2017. We had resolved the issues involve these issues: designing the new proper electrical driving system for heavy workload and testing competition robotic system. We came back and won first place in RoboCup Rescue 2018. In the year 2019, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok has the 60th anniversary of establishing. In the beginning, the university was founded by German Government supporting. To be honored in the special ceremony, the team is named to iRAP SECHZIG that means sixty in German. The updated information for World RoboCup Rescue Robot 2019 (Sydney, Australia), describes in this Team Description Paper. We focus on only one high mobility teleoperative robot. The teleoperative robot can move by a caterpillar module. They can identify victims very well with multi-sensors (carbon sensors, array temperature sensors, and cameras) and are able to move autonomously in the radio drop zone. The teleoperative robot has used the chain with the garden hose, which has a good material to move up the inclined surface. Additionally, the robot can create an explored map automatically and can detect the Hazmat and the QR code.

Team Name:
Irap Sechzig
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