2023 – TDP – LAR@MSL – RoboCupSoccer – Middle Size

The LAR@MSL team has been participating on MSL for many years, from 1999-2007, 2011, and 2016. After a few years of stoppage for RoboCup nonrelated reasons, the research team is back to the MSL with a new generation of students. The 2016 robot platforms are being used with some hardware/software changes as the robots were very obsolete and the changes were needed to keep up with the league evolution. This Team Description Paper intends to briefly explain the robot’s structure, hardware and software and some of the most important changes implemented by this new team. It is important to point out that all the team students are new to the league, even though some of them already participated on RoboCup Soccer Junior just a few years ago. As electronics engineering students, most of the changes carried out were on the electronics and on the code, and the mechanical parts were left almost left untouched. The motors, cameras, kicker board and chassis are the same as the 2016 generation. Regarding the software, a ground up rebuild was carried out as the game strategy new attempt was very different from the previous team. This paper describes a bottom-up view of the robots, the hardware used, the vision head, the low-level software and strategy and finishes with some conclusions. The whole code and the hardware description are available on a public GitHub repository.

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Universidade do Minho
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