2019 – TDP – Hibikino-Musashi – RoboCupSoccer – Middle Size

This paper presents some of the technical elements of the “Musashi robot” developed for the RoboCup Middle-Size League. Since there are some solutions that are common to many teams, only the most recent developments and interesting research studies that distinguish our multi-robot system from others and show our contribution to improving Middle-Size League performance are presented. In this paper, first of all, we explain about our team and our robots over view. Moreover, we show three results of our research. First result is about active ball handling system by pulling the ball towards robot with two motors, second result is about obstacle avoidance algorithm based on Dynamic Window Approach, and the last result is about ball passing behavior algorithm based on probability robotics. These results further our understanding of the multi agent robot behavior especially, how the robot make collaboration with the other agents of the team.

Team Name:
Moeko Tominaga
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Other materials: http://www.lsse.kyutech.ac.jp/~robocup/robocup-2019-qualification.htm