2023 – TDP – ATR_KENT – RoboCupRescue – Robot

This paper presents the TeleBot-3R, a semi- autonomous humanoid telepresence robot specially designed for search and rescue applications. The TeleBot-3R was developed by the ATR Kent team of the Advanced Telerobotics Research (ATR) Laboratory under three central design principles: (1) employing an intuitive and familiar method of control (2) leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to realize semi- autonomous capabilities and greater operational independence, and (3) using a transformable physical structure to navigate rough terrain and provide flexibility in constrained environments. In this paper, we outline the overall architecture of the TeleBot- 3R and specify the advanced approaches our team employs for execution of RoboCup Rescue tasks. In addition, we introduce the organization of our team including the roles and contributions of individual members.

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Kent State University
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